- I.Taxation
- Custom
- C.Constabulary
Income Tax [IT] Notifications: - 44/2022 Dated: 22-4-2022 - It
U/south 280A(1) of It Deed 1961, Cardinal Regime, in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh designates Special Court in the Madhya Pradesh - 43/2022 Dated: 22-4-2022 - IT
U/south 280A(one) of IT Act 1961, Central Government, in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh designates Special Court in the Andhra Pradesh - 42/2022 Dated: 22-4-2022 - IT
Income-tax (10th Amendment) Rules, 2022 - 41/2022 Dated: 21-iv-2022 - Information technology
U/south 280A(i) of Information technology Human activity 1961, Central Government, in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court of Madras designates Special Court in the Tamil Nadu - xl/2022 Dated: 21-4-2022 - It
U/s 280A(1) of IT Deed 1961, Central Government, in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court of Patna designates Special Court in the Patna. - 39/2022 Dated: 21-4-2022 - IT
U/s 280A(1) of IT Human action 1961, Central Government, in consultation with the Main Justice of the Delhi Loftier Court, designates Special Court in the Tis Hazari Court, Delhi - 38/2022 Dated: 21-4-2022 - Information technology
U/s 280A(1) of IT Act 1961, Central Regime, in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court of Rajasthan designates Special Court in the Rajasthan - 37/2022 Dated: 21-4-2022 - IT
Income-tax (Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2022 - 36/2022 Dated: 20-iv-2022 - IT
U/s 10(46) of Information technology Deed 1961 - Central Government notifies, �SEEPZ Special Economic Zone Authority� an Authorisation constituted under the Special Economical Zone Human action, 2005 past the Government of India Income Tax - Circulars - 08/2022 Dated: 31-3-2022
Extension of time line for electronic filing of Form No.10AB for seeking registration or approving under Department ten(23C), 12A or 80G of the Income-tax Act,1961 (the Human activity) - 07/2022 Dated: xxx-3-2022
Clarification with respect to relaxation of provisions of rule 114AAA of Income-tax Rules, 1962 prescribing the manner of making Permanent Account Number (PAN) inoperative - 06/2022 Dated: 17-three-2022
Condonation of delay under section 119(ii)(b) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 in filing of Form 10-IC for Cess Twelvemonth 2020-21 - 05/2022 Dated: 16-3-2022
Relaxation from the requirement of electronic filing of awarding in Course No.3CF for seeking approval under section 35(1)(ii)/(iia)/(iii) of the Income-revenue enhancement Deed, 1961 (the Human activity) - 04/2022 Dated: 15-iii-2022
INCOME-TAX DEDUCTION FROM SALARIES DURING THE Fiscal YEAR 2021-22 Nether SECTION 192 OF THE INCOME-Tax Deed, 1961 Primal Goods and Services Revenue enhancement [CGST] Rate Notifications: - 02/2022 Dated: 31-3-2022 - CGST Charge per unit
Seeks to provide for a concessional charge per unit on intra state supply of bricks conditional to not availing the ITC , as recommended by 45 GSTC - 01/2022 Dated: 31-iii-2022 - CGST Rate
Seeks to meliorate Notification No. 1/2017-Primal Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017 - 22/2021 Dated: 31-12-2021 - CGST Charge per unit
Seeks to supersede notification 15/2021- CT(R) dated 18.11.2021 and amend Notification No 11/2017- CT (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. - 21/2021 Dated: 31-12-2021 - CGST Charge per unit
Seeks to supersede notification xiv/2021- CT(R) dated 18.11.2021 and better Notification No one/2017- CT (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. - twenty/2021 Dated: 28-12-2021 - CGST Rate
Seeks to amend Notification No 21/2018- Central Tax (Rate) dated 26.07.2018 - xix/2021 Dated: 28-12-2021 - CGST Charge per unit
Seeks to amend Notification No two/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. - xviii/2021 Dated: 28-12-2021 - CGST Rate
Seeks to amend Notification No i/2017- Key Revenue enhancement (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. - 17/2021 Dated: xviii-11-2021 - CGST Rate
Seeks to improve Notification No. 17/2017- Central Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017 - sixteen/2021 Dated: xviii-11-2021 - CGST Charge per unit
Seeks to amend Notification No. 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017 Key Appurtenances and Services Tax [CGST] Notifications: - 04/2022 Dated: 31-iii-2022 - CGST
Seeks to amend Notification No. 14/2019-Central Tax, dated the seventh March, 2019 - 03/2022 Dated: 31-three-2022 - CGST
Seeks to amend Notification No. ten/2019-Key Revenue enhancement, dated the seventh March, 2019 - 02/2022 Dated: 11-3-2022 - CGST
Seeks to amendment in Notification No. 2/2017-Central Tax, dated the 19th June, 2017 - Powers of Additional Commissioner or Joint Commissioner of Fundamental Tax for passing an order or decision in respect of notices issued by the officers of Directorate General of Goods and Services Revenue enhancement Intelligence - 01/2022 Dated: 24-two-2022 - CGST
The class of registered person required to result e-invoice - Turnover limit reduced to ₹ 20 Crores from ₹ 50 Crores - Seeks to amend Notification No. 13/2020 � Central Tax, dated the 21st March, 2020 - forty/2021 Dated: 29-12-2021 - CGST
Central Appurtenances and Services Taxation (Tenth Amendment) Rules, 2021. - 39/2021 Dated: 21-12-2021 - CGST
Seeks to notify 01.01.2022 as the date on which provisions of department 108, 109 and 113 to 122 of the Finance Act, 2021 shall come into forcefulness. - 38/2021 Dated: 21-12-2021 - CGST
Seeks to bring sub-rule (2) and sub-rule (3), clause (i) of sub-dominion (6) and sub-rule (7) of rule 2 of the CGST (Eighth Subpoena) Rules, 2021 into force w.eastward.f. 01.01.2022. - 37/2021 Dated: one-12-2021 - CGST
Central Goods and Services Revenue enhancement (Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2021 - 36/2021 Dated: 24-9-2021 - CGST
Seeks to amend Notification No. 03/2021 dated 23.02.2021. CGST Circulars - 169/01/2022 Dated: 12-3-2022
Amendment to Circular No. 31/05/2018-GST, dated ninth February, 2018 on �Proper officer under sections 73 and 74 of the Central Appurtenances and Services Revenue enhancement Act, 2017 and under the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Human action, 2017 - 168/24/2021 Dated: 30-12-2021
Mechanism for filing of refund merits by the taxpayers registered in erstwhile Marriage Territory of Daman & Diu for flow prior to merger with U.T. of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. - 167/23/2021 Dated: 17-12-2021
GST on service supplied past restaurants through e-commerce operators - 166/22/2021 Dated: 17-11-2021
Clarification on certain refund related issues - 165/21/2021 Dated: 17-11-2021
Clarification in respect of applicability of Dynamic Quick Response (QR) Lawmaking on B2C invoices and compliance of notification fourteen/2020- Central Revenue enhancement dated 21st March, 2020 GST - Orders - Instruction No. 02/2022 Dated: 22-iii-2022
Standard Operating Process (SOP) for Scrutiny of returns for FY 2017-18 and 2018-19 - Instruction No. 01/2022 Dated: 7-ane-2022
Guidelines for recovery proceedings under the provisions of section 79 of the CGST Human activity, 2017 in cases covered nether explanation to sub-section (12) of section 75 of the CGST Act, 2017 - CBEC-twenty/16/05/2021-GST/1552 Dated: 2-11-2021
Guidelines for disallowing debit of electronic credit ledger under Rule 86A of the CGST Rules, 2017 - S-31011/12/2021-DIR(NC) Dated: 24-9-2021
Constitution of Group of Ministers (GoM) on GST Arrangement Reforms. - INSTRUCTION NO. 02/2021-22 [GST-Investigation] Dated: 22-9-2021
ISSUANCE OF SCNS IN Time BOUND MANNER GST - Trade Notices - Merchandise Observe No. 02/2021 Dated: 30-9-2021
Special Drive for Disposal of Pending Awarding (REG-21) for Revocation of Counterfoil Integrated Goods and Services Revenue enhancement [IGST] Charge per unit Notifications: - 02/2022 Dated: 31-3-2022 - IGST Rate
Seeks to provide for a concessional rate on inter country supply of bricks provisional to not availing the ITC , equally recommended by 45 GSTC - 01/2022-Integrated Taxation (Charge per unit) Dated: 31-3-2022 - IGST Rate
Seeks to amend Notification No. 1/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017 - 22/2021 Dated: 31-12-2021 - IGST Rate
Seeks to supersede notification 15/2021- IT(R) dated eighteen.eleven.2021 and amend Notification No 8/2017- Integrated Revenue enhancement (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. - 21/2021 Dated: 31-12-2021 - IGST Rate
Seeks to supersede notification 14/2021- Information technology(R) dated 18.eleven.2021 and amend Notification No 1/2017- Integrated Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. - twenty/2021 Dated: 28-12-2021 - IGST Charge per unit
Seeks to amend Notification No 22/2018- Integrated Tax (Rate) dated 26.07.2018 - 19/2021 Dated: 28-12-2021 - IGST Rate
Seeks to meliorate Notification No 2/2017- Integrated Taxation (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. - xviii/2021 Dated: 28-12-2021 - IGST Rate
Seeks to amend Notification No 1/2017- Integrated Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017 - 17/2021 Dated: 18-11-2021 - IGST Rate
Seeks to amend Notification No. 14/2017- Integrated Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017 - sixteen/2021 Dated: eighteen-11-2021 - IGST Rate
Seeks to ameliorate Notification No. 9/2017- Integrated Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017 Compensation CESS [GST Cess] Charge per unit Notifications: - 02/2021 Dated: 28-12-2021 - GST CESS Charge per unit
Seeks to amend Notification No 1/2017- Compensation Assessment (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. - 01/2021 Dated: 30-9-2021 - GST CESS Charge per unit
Seeks to ameliorate Notification No. ane/2017-Compensation Cess (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017 Bounty CESS [GST Cess] Notifications: - 01/2021 Dated: 16-12-2021 - GST CESS
Subpoena in Notification No. 1/2018 (Goods and Service Tax Bounty) dated 14th November, 2018 Union Territory Goods and Services Taxation [UTGST] Charge per unit Notifications: - 02/2022 Dated: 31-3-2022 - UTGST Rate
Seeks to provide for a concessional rate on intra state supply of bricks conditional to not availing the ITC , as recommended by 45 GSTC - 01/2022 Dated: 31-iii-2022 - UTGST Rate
Seeks to improve Notification No. 1/2017-Wedlock Territory Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017 - 22/2021 Dated: 31-12-2021 - UTGST Charge per unit
Seeks to supersede notification 15/2021- UTT(R) and amend Notification No xi/2017- Marriage territory Taxation (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. - 21/2021 Dated: 31-12-2021 - UTGST Charge per unit
Seeks to supersede notification 14/2021- UTT(R) and amend Notification No 1/2017- Matrimony territory Taxation (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. - twenty/2021 Dated: 28-12-2021 - UTGST Rate
Seeks to improve Notification No 21/2018- Union territory Tax (Charge per unit) dated 26.07.2018. - 19/2021 Dated: 28-12-2021 - UTGST Rate
Seeks to better Notification No ii/2017- Wedlock territory Tax (Charge per unit) dated 28.06.2017. - 18/2021 Dated: 28-12-2021 - UTGST Rate
Seeks to improve Notification No one/2017- Union territory Taxation (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. - 17/2021 Dated: xviii-11-2021 - UTGST Rate
Seeks to amend Notification No. 17/2017-Union Territory Taxation (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017 - xvi/2021 Dated: 18-11-2021 - UTGST Rate
Seeks to amend Notification No. 12/2017- Union Territory Revenue enhancement (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017 Spousal relationship Territory Goods and Services Taxation [UTGST] Notifications: - 02/2022 Dated: 31-3-2022 - UTGST
Seeks to amend Notification No. 02/2017-Union Territory Taxation, dated the 27th June, 2017 - 01/2022 Dated: 31-3-2022 - UTGST
Seeks to amend Notification No. 02/2019-Union Territory Revenue enhancement, dated the 7th March, 2019 - 01/2022 Dated: 21-3-2022 - UTGST
Seeks to amend Notification No. 14/2018-Union territory Tax, dated the 8th October 2018 - Constitution of the Authority for Accelerate Ruling in the Union territories States Goods and Services Tax [SGST] Notifications: - 613-F.T. Dated: 12-4-2022 - Westward Bengal SGST
Seeks to amend notification No. 380-F.T., dated 07.03.2019 to brand provision that Brick Kilns shall not exist eligible for Limerick levy under section 10 of the WBGST Act,2017 - 612-F.T. Dated: 12-4-2022 - West Bengal SGST
Seeks to amend notification No. 378-F.T., dated 07.03.2019 regarding threshold limits for registration of Brick Kilns - 611-F.T. Dated: 12-4-2022 - W Bengal SGST
New Standalone notification regarding special Composition Scheme for Brick Kilns - 610-F.T. Dated: 12-4-2022 - West Bengal SGST
Seeks to further amend notification No. 1125-F.T. dated 28.06.2017 regarding rates of tax of bricks etc. - 04/2022-Land Taxation Dated: 8-4-2022 - Maharashtra SGST
Seeks to meliorate notification no. 14/2019-State Tax to implement special composition scheme for Brick Kilns, as recommended by 45 GSTC - 03/2022-State Revenue enhancement Dated: 8-iv-2022 - Maharashtra SGST
Seeks to ameliorate notification no. 10/2019-State Tax to implement special composition scheme for Brick Kilns, equally recommended past 45 GSTC - 02/2022�State Tax (Rate) Dated: 8-iv-2022 - Maharashtra SGST
Seeks to provide for a concessional rate on intra land supply of bricks conditional to not availing the ITC, as recommended past 45 GSTC - 01/2022�State Revenue enhancement (Rate) Dated: viii-4-2022 - Maharashtra SGST
Seeks to amend notification No. 1/2017-Land Tax (Rate) dated the 29th June, 2017 - Southward.O. 28 /PGSTR/2017/R.48/Amd./2022 Dated: 7-four-2022 - Punjab SGST
Subpoena in Notification No. S.O.xix/PGSTR/2017/R.48/2021, dated the 28th January, 2021 - F.12(fifteen) FD/Tax//2022-136 Dated: 7-iv-2022 - Rajasthan SGST
Corrigendum - Notification No. F.12(15) FD/Tax/2022-132, dated the 31st March, 2022 - 8520-FIN-CT-1-TAX-0001/2022 Dated: five-iv-2022 - Orissa SGST
Amendment in Notification No. 8241-FIN-CTI-Revenue enhancement-0043/2017, dated the seventh March, 2019 SGST Circulars Customs [Cus] Notifications: - 21/2022 Dated: 13-4-2022 - Cus
Seeks to prescribe BCD and AIDC on Raw Cotton for a specified period. - M.S.R. 283 (E) Dated: 7-4-2022 - Cus
Blunder - Notification No. 14/2022-Community, dated the 1st February, 2022 - Chiliad.Due south.R. 282(E) Dated: 7-iv-2022 - Cus
Corrigendum - Notification No. 60/2021-Customs, dated the 30th Dec, 2021 - G.S.R. 281(E) Dated: vii-4-2022 - Cus
Blunder - Notification No. 57/2021-Community, dated the 29th December, 2021 - G.S.R. 280 (E) Dated: 7-4-2022 - Cus
Corrigendum - Notification No. 55/2021-Customs, dated the 29th December, 2021 - 20/2022 Dated: half dozen-4-2022 - Cus
Subpoena to the Notification No. xl/2015-Customs dated 21.07.2015 to substitute the name of M/s International Establish of Diamond Grading & Research India Pvt Ltd by M/southward De Beers Republic of india Pvt Ltd - nineteen/2020 Dated: 31-3-2022 - Cus
Seeks to extend the exemption from Integrated Tax and Bounty Assessment upto xxx.06.2022 on goods imported against AA/EPCG authorizations - 18/2022 Dated: 31-3-2022 - Cus
Seeks to ameliorate Notification No. 52/2003-Customs, dated the 31st March, 2003 - 17/2022 Dated: 31-3-2022 - Cus
Seeks to amend notification No. 25/2021-Customs, dated 31-03-2021 to give consequence to 2nd tranche of tariff concessions as per Republic of india Mauritius CECPA Customs Non-Tariff [Cus(NT)] Notifications: - 34/2022 Dated: 21-4-2022 - Cus (NT)
Charge per unit of commutation of one unit of strange currency equivalent to Indian rupees - Supersession Notification No. 32/2022-Customs(Due north.T.), dated 7th April, 2022 - 33/2022 Dated: 13-4-2022 - Cus (NT)
Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Contumely Flake, Areca Nut, Gold and Silver - 32/2022 Dated: 7-four-2022 - Cus (NT)
Rate of exchange of i unit of foreign currency equivalent to Indian rupees - Supersession Notification No. 18/2022-Community(N.T.), dated 17th March, 2022 - Southward.O. 1604 (E) Dated: iv-iv-2022 - Cus (NT)
Corrigendum - Notification No. 29/2022-Customs (N.T.) dated the 31st March, 2022 - S.O. 1603 (East) Dated: iv-iv-2022 - Cus (NT)
Corrigendum - Notification No. 28/2022-Customs (N.T.) dated the 31st March, 2022 - Southward.O. 1602 (Eastward) Dated: 4-4-2022 - Cus (NT)
Corrigendum - Notification No. 27/2022-Community (N.T.) dated the 31st March, 2022 - Southward.O. 1601 (E) Dated: 4-4-2022 - Cus (NT)
Corrigendum - Notification No. 26/2022-Community (Due north.T.) dated the 31st March, 2022 - S.O. 1600 (Eastward) Dated: 4-4-2022 - Cus (NT)
Corrigendum - Notification No. 25/2022-Community (N.T.) dated the 31st March, 2022 - S.O. 1599 (E) Dated: iv-4-2022 - Cus (NT)
Corrigendum - Notification No. 24/2022-Customs (Due north.T.) dated the 31st March, 2022 Customs - Anti Dumping Duty [Add together] Notifications: - xi/2022 Dated: 31-three-2022 - Add
Seeks to extend the levy of ADD on jute products originating in or exported from Nepal and Bangladesh - 10/2022 Dated: 24-2-2022 - ADD
Seeks to farther improve notification No. 01/2017-Community (ADD) to extend the levy of ADD on jute products originating in or exported from Nepal and People's republic of bangladesh. - 09/2022 Dated: 24-2-2022 - ADD
Anti-dumping duty on imports of �Glazed/Unglazed Porcelain/Vitrified tiles in polished or unpolished finish with less than iii% water absorption� (hereinafter referred to every bit "the subject appurtenances") - Seeks to supersession of Notification No. 29/2017-Customs(Add together), dated the 14th June, 2017 - 8/2022 Dated: 14-ii-2022 - ADD
Seeks to extend the Anti-Dumping Duty (Add together) on imports of "Aluminium foil of thickness ranging from 5.5 micron to 80 micron" originating in or exported from People's Republic of Red china, imposed vide Notification No. 23/2017-Customs (ADD), dated 16th May, 2017, till 15th June, 2022. - 07/2022 Dated: 1-2-2022 - ADD
Seeks to rescind the anti-dumping duty imposed on imports of �Apartment rolled product of steel, plated or coated with alloy of Aluminum or Zinc� originating in or exported from China PR, Vietnam and Korea RP vide Notification No. 16/2020-Cus (Add) dated 23.06.2020. - 06/2022 Dated: i-2-2022 - ADD
Seeks to rescind the anti-dumping duty imposed on imports of �High Speed Steel of Not-Cobalt Grade� originating in or exported from Brazil, China PR and Germany vide Notification No. 38/2019-Cus (ADD) dated 25.09.2019. - 05/2022 Dated: 1-2-2022 - Add
Seeks to rescind the anti-dumping duty imposed on imports of �Straight Length Bars and Rods of alloy-steel� originating in or exported from China PR vide Notification No. 54/2018-Cus (Add together) dated 18.10.2018. - 04/2022 Dated: 24-1-2022 - ADD
Seeks to impose Anti-dumping Duty on 'Axles for Trailers' originating in or exported from the Peoples Republic of People's republic of china. - 03/2022 Dated: 24-1-2022 - Add
Seeks to rescind Notification No. 42/2016 - Customs (ADD) dated eighth August, 2016 to remove levy of Add together on PVC Flex Films. Community Circulars - 07/2022 Dated: 31-iii-2022
Changes in the Customs Act, 1962 vide Sections 86, 87, 88 and 94 of the Finance Act, 2022 (enacted on thirty.03.2022) and notifications related thereto with reference to appointment of officers of customs and assignment of functions - 06/2022 Dated: 17-three-2022
Data regarding details of all Licensee, Lessee and Contractor project-wise involved in Petroleum Operations - 05/2022 Dated: 4-3-2022
Toolkit for Anti-evasion/Preventive teams - 04/2022 Dated: 27-two-2022
Implementation of automation in the Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty) Rules, 2017 with effect from 01.03.2022 - D.O. F. No. 334/02/2020-TRU Dated: ane-2-2022
Changes in Community, Central Excise, GST law and rates have been proposed through the Finance Bill, 2022 Customs Orders - 401/103/2021 -Cus-Iii Dated: 14-three-2022
Instruction No. 2/2022-Customs dated 02.02.2022 regarding Notification of Authorised Officers under Section 25 read with Section 47 (5) of FSS Act, 2006 and Regulation xiii (1) of FSS (Import) Regulation, 2017 - Pedagogy No. 2/2022 Dated: two-2-2022
Notification of Authorised Officers nether Section 25 read with Section 47 (5) of Food Safety Standards (FSS) Act, 2006 and Regulation 13 (ane) of FSS (Import) Regulation, 2017 - Didactics No. 01/2022 Dated: 5-1-2022
Implication of the judgement of the Hon�ble Apex Court in the case of M/s Westinghouse Saxby Farmer Ltd. Vs. Commissioner of Central Excise, Kolkata - Didactics No. 29/2021 Dated: 23-12-2021
Details of infrastructure available for testing of samples related to hazardous goods past Revenue Laboratories - D.O. F. No. 524/11/2021-STO(TU) Dated: 20-12-2021
CBIC issued Guidance Note on Correlation of Customs Tariff betwixt 2021-2022 Customs Trade Notices - Merchandise NOTICE: 01/2021 Dated: 21-12-2021
Initiation of Trade outreach past Video Conference for Leh & Kargil Strange Merchandise / Import-Export [FTP] Notifications: - 66/2015-xx Dated: 1-4-2022 - FTP
Amendments to Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 - Extension of Integrated Good and Service Tax (IGST) and Compensation cess exemption under Advance Potency, EPCG and EOU scheme upwardly to thirty.06.2022 - 65/2015-20 Dated: 1-four-2022 - FTP
Amendment in import policy condition of Urea [Exim Code 31021000] in the ITC (HS) 2022, Schedule - I (Import Policy). - 64/2015-2020 Dated: 31-3-2022 - FTP
Extension of FTP 2015-2020 - 63/2015-2020 Dated: 29-3-2022 - FTP
Subpoena in Import policy of Urad [Beans of the SPP Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper] (ITC(HS) 0713 3110) and Tur/Pigeon Peas (Cajanus Cajan) (ITC(HS) 0713 60 00) nether ITC (HS) 2022, Schedule � I (Import Policy) - 62/2015-2020 Dated: 23-3-2022 - FTP
Subpoena in Export Policy and insertion of Policy Condition nether Chapter 29 and 38 of ITC (HS), 2018 - Export Policy of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) - 61/2015-2020 Dated: 23-3-2022 - FTP
Amendment in Policy condition of Sl. No. 55 & 57, Chapter ten Schedule-2, ITC(HS) Consign Policy, 2018 - Export of Rice (Basmati and Non-Basmati) - 60/2015-twenty Dated: ix-3-2022 - FTP
Subpoena in Policy condition of Sl.No. 55 & 57, Chapter 10 Schedule-2, ITC(HS) Export Policy, 2018 - 59/2015-20 Dated: nine-iii-2022 - FTP
Amendment in import policy and insertion of policy condition under Chapter 29 and 38 of ITC (HS), 2022, Schedule � I (Import Policy) - 58/2015-2020 Dated: 7-iii-2022 - FTP
Extension of last appointment for submission of applications under sure Scrip based Schemes FTP Public Notices FTP Circulars - Policy Circular No. 38/2015-2020 Dated: 19-1-2022
Clarification regarding SIMS. - Police Round No. 37/2015-20 Dated: 10-9-2021
Relief in Average Export Obligation in terms of the para 5.19 of Paw Book of Procedures (HBP) of FTP 2015-20 FTP Trade Notices Special Economic Zone [SEZ] Notifications: - S.O. 1913 (Eastward) Dated: 21-4-2022 - SEZ
Key Regime de-notifies an surface area of one.716 hectares, thereby making resultant expanse of the Special Economic Zone as 119.788 hectares at State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Industrial Growth Center, Sriperumbudur Taluk, Kancheepuram District, in the State of Tamil Nadu - Due south.O. 1805 (E). Dated: 12-4-2022 - SEZ
Central Government de-notifies an area of 2.89 hectares, thereby making resultant expanse as 4.30 hectares at Village Chokkanahalli Taluka, Yelahanka Hobli, Bangalore North, in the State of Karnataka. - S.O. 1804 (E) Dated: 12-four-2022 - SEZ
Cardinal Government de-notifies an area of four.4654 hectares, thereby making the full surface area of the Special Economic Zone as thirteen.5346 hectares at Hamlet Mulavana, District Kollam in the State of Kerala - Southward.O. 1720 (E) Dated: 8-4-2022 - SEZ
Central Government de-notifies an area of 16.28 hectares, thereby making resultant expanse as 97.785 hectares at SIPCOT Industrial Area, Sriperumbudur in the State of Tamil Nadu - G.Southward.R. 288 (Due east) Dated: eight-four-2022 - SEZ
Special Economic Zones (Subpoena) Rules, 2022 - S.O. 1186 (Eastward) Dated: fifteen-3-2022 - SEZ
Fundamental Government de-notifies an expanse of 0.469 hectares thereby making the total area of the Special Economical Zone as v.78 hectares. at Nanakramguda Village, Serilingampally Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, in the State of Telangana - Southward.O. 1013 (E) Dated: three-iii-2022 - SEZ
Seeks to rescinds Notification No. Due south.O. 882(E) dated 24th March, 2014 - de-notification of unabridged surface area of 25.69 Hectares of the SEZ - Proposed SEZ for Agro and Food Processing Products (formerly Engineering Sector) at Villages Bhigan and Kurar Ibrahimpur, Near Murthal, Commune Sonepat in the State of Haryana; - S.O. 544(Eastward) Dated: 9-ii-2022 - SEZ
Central Government de-notifies an area of 79.9241 hectares, thereby making resultant area 570.7080 hectares at Baikampady, Near Mangalore, District Dakshin Kannada in the State of Karnataka - S.O. 267 (E) Dated: 17-1-2022 - SEZ
Central Government de-notifies an area of 9.255 hectares thereby making the total area of the Special Economic Zone as 69.783 hectares at State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Express, Industrial Growth Centre, Perundurai Village, Erode District, in the Land of Tamil Nadu SEZ Circulars - M-43014(22)/32/2020-SEZ Dated: 2-12-2021
Revised user charges for SEZ-Online services will be every bit under and would be effective from 15.11.2021 SEZ Orders / Instructions - Instruction No.109 Dated: 18-ten-2021
Guidelines regarding reorganization including change of name, alter of shareholding pattern, business transfer arrangements, court approved mergers and demergers, modify of constitution, change of Directors, etc. of SEZ Developers / Co-developers as well equally SEZ Units - Instruction No. 108 Dated: 11-10-2021
Alternate method for transfer of space by an exiting unit of measurement under Rule 74 of the SEZ Rules, 2006 - Pedagogy No. 107 Dated: 26-8-2021
Request for feedback-Minimising Regulatory Compliances in respect of Pharma Industry - Educational activity No. 106 Dated: 22-vii-2021
Minimizing regulatory compliances burden for citizen and business activities Meetings of SEZ Lath - Minutes of the 108th meeting of the SEZ Dated: 27-1-2022
Minutes of the 108th meeting of the Board of Blessing for SEZ held on 27th January, 2022 to consider setting up of Special Economical Zones and other miscellaneous proposals - Minutes of the 107th meeting of the SEZ Dated: 25-11-2021
Minutes of the 107th meeting of the Board of Approval for SEZ held on 25th November, 2021 to consider setting upwards of Special Economic Zones and other miscellaneous proposals - Minutes of the 106th meeting of the SEZ Dated: 7-10-2021
Minutes of the 106th meeting of the Lath of Approving for SEZ held on 7th October, 2021 to consider setting upward of Special Economic Zones and other miscellaneous proposals - Minutes of the 105th meeting of the SEZ Dated: 29-7-2021
Minutes of the 105th coming together of the Lath of Approval for SEZ held on 29th July, 2021 to consider setting up of Special Economical Zones and other miscellaneous proposals Foreign Substitution Management [FEMA] Notifications: - S.O. 1802 (East) Dated: 12-4-2022 - FEMA
Foreign Commutation Direction (Non-debt Instruments) (Amendment) Rules, 2022 - FEMA.396(1)/2021-RB Dated: 13-10-2021 - FEMA
Foreign Substitution Management (Debt Instruments) (Get-go Amendment) Regulations, 2021 - S.O. 4242(E) Dated: 12-10-2021 - FEMA
Strange Commutation Management (Not-debt Instruments) (Fourth Subpoena) Rules, 2021 - S.O. 4091 (Due east) Dated: 5-10-2021 - FEMA
Foreign Exchange Management (Not-debt Instruments) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2021 - FEMA 23(R)/(5)/2021-RB Dated: 8-9-2021 - FEMA
Strange Exchange Management (Export of Goods and Services) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021. - S.O. 3411(E) Dated: 19-viii-2021 - FEMA
Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2021 - Due south.O. 3206(E) Dated: half dozen-viii-2021 - FEMA
Foreign Exchange Management (Nondebt Instruments) (Amendment) Rules, 2021. FEMA Circulars - 29 Dated: 19-4-2022
Limits for investment in debt and sale of Credit Default Swaps by Strange Portfolio Investors (FPIs) - 28 Dated: x-iii-2022
Exim Banking concern's Regime of India supported Line of Credit (LoC) of USD 500 one thousand thousand to the Government of the Democratic Socialist Commonwealth of Sri Lanka - 27 Dated: ten-3-2022
Exim Bank'southward Government of India supported Line of Credit (LoC) of USD 7.29 1000000 to the Regime of Cooperative Republic of guyana - 26 Dated: 18-2-2022
Regulations Review Authority (RRA ii.0) � Interim Recommendations �Discontinuation/Merger/Online Submission of Returns - 25 Dated: 17-ii-2022
Exim Bank'southward Government of India supported Line of Credit (LoC) of USD 40 million to the Government of the Commonwealth of Republic of the maldives FDI Guidlines - Press Note No. i (2022 Serial) Dated: 14-3-2022
Review of FDI Policy for permitting strange investment in Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and other modifications for further clarity of the existing FDI Policy. - Printing Note No. 4 (2021 Series) Dated: 6-10-2021
Review of Foreign Straight Investment (FDI) Policy on Telecom Sector - Press Notation No. iii (2021 Series) Dated: 29-7-2021
Review of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy on Petroleum & Natural Gas Sector Companies Law [CL] Notifications: - G.S.R. 301(East) Dated: 19-4-2022 - Co. Constabulary
Nidhi (Amendment) Rules, 2022 - G.S.R. 291 (E) Dated: 8-4-2022 - Co. Police force
Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2022 - M.Southward.R. 279 (East) Dated: 6-4-2022 - Co. Law
Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules, 2022 - M.S.R. 235 (E). Dated: 31-three-2022 - Co. Police
Companies (Accounts) 2nd Subpoena Rules, 2022 - Grand.S.R 255 (Eastward) Dated: 23-iii-2022 - Co. Law
Companies (Indian Bookkeeping Standards) Amendment Rules, 2022 - G.Due south.R. 165 (Due east) Dated: 28-2-2022 - Co. Law
National Financial Reporting Say-so (Mode of Appointment and other Terms and Atmospheric condition of Service of Chairperson and Members) Subpoena Rules, 2022 - S.O. 623 (E) Dated: eleven-2-2022 - Co. Police force
Delegations of Powers to Regional Directors under section 458 of Companies Act, 2013 - South.O. 622 (E) Dated: 11-2-2022 - Co. Law
Central Regime appoints the Registrar of Companies as adjudicating officers - G.S.R. 110 (Due east) Dated: 11-2-2022 - Co. Law
Modification of sections 90, 164, 165, 167, sub-section (5) of section 206, sub-section (3) of department 207, 252 and section 439 of the Companies Act,2013 (18 of 2013) Companies Law Circulars - 01/2022 Dated: 14-2-2022
Relaxation on levy of additional fees in filing of east-forms AOC-4, AOC-4 (CES), AOC-iv XBRL AOC-four Non-XBRL and MGT-7/MGT-7A for the fiscal yr ended on 31.03.2021 under the Companies Act, 2013 - 22/2021 Dated: 29-12-2021
Relaxation on levy of additional fees in filing of due east-forms AOC-4, AOC-4 (CES), AOC-4 XBRL AOC-4 Not-XBRL and M&T-seven/MGT-7A for the fiscal year concluded on 31.03.2021 under the Companies Human activity, 2013 - twenty/2021 Dated: 8-12-2021
Clarification on passing of Ordinary and Special resolutions by the Companies under the Companies Act, 2013 read with rules made thereunder on account of COVID-19-Extention of timeline - 19/2021 Dated: 8-12-2021
Description of holding of Almanac General Meeting (AGM) through Video Conference (VC) or Other Audio Visual Ways (OAVM) - 18/2021 Dated: 29-10-2021
Extension of final date of filing of Cost Audit Written report to the Board of Directors under Dominion 6(five) of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 Securities and Exchange Board [SEBI] Notifications: SEBI Circulars SEBI Master Circular - SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS_Div3/P/CIR/2021/674 Dated: 29-11-2021
Principal Circular for Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) - SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS_Div3/P/CIR/2021/673 Dated: 29-11-2021
Chief Round for Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) - SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL1/CIR/P/2021/0000000665 Dated: 23-11-2021
Chief Circular on (i) Scheme of Arrangement past Listed Entities and (ii) Relaxation under Sub-rule (7) of rule 19 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957 - SEBI/HO/MRD2/MRD2_DCAP/P/CIR/2021/0000000591 Dated: 5-seven-2021
Master Circular for Stock Commutation and Clearing Corporations - SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DMP/P/CIR/2021/589 Dated: 1-7-2021
Main Circular for Commodity Derivatives Market Insolvency and Bankruptcy [IBC] Notifications: - IBBI/2022-23/GN/REG.081 Dated: 5-4-2022 - IBC
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Voluntary Liquidation Procedure) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 - IBBI/2021-22/GN/REG/080 Dated: nine-ii-2022 - IBC
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of Bharat (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 - IBBI/2021-22/GN/REG079 Dated: 30-9-2021 - IBC
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Liquidation Process) (2d Subpoena) Regulations, 2021 - IBBI/2021-22/GN/REG078 Dated: 30-ix-2021 - IBC
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Lath of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2021 - IBBI/2021-22/GN/REG077 Dated: 22-7-2021 - IBC
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of Bharat (Insolvency Professionals) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2021 - IBBI/2021-22/GN/REG076 Dated: 22-seven-2021 - IBC
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Model Good day-Laws and Governing Board of Insolvency Professional Agencies) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2021. - IBBI/2021-22/GN/REG075 Dated: xiv-7-2021 - IBC
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Lath of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (2nd Amendment) Regulations, 2021. IBC Circulars - IBBI/IP/2022 Dated: 11-4-2022
Clarifications with respect to Temporary Surrender of Professional person Membership - IBBI/LIQ/46/2021 Dated: 24-11-2021
Filing of listing of stakeholders under clause (d) of sub-regulation (five) of regulation 31 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of Republic of india (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016 - IBBI/CIRP/47/2021 Dated: 24-11-2021
Filing of list of creditors under clause (ca) of sub-regulation (2) of regulation 13 of the IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016 - IBBI/LIQ/45/2021 Dated: 15-11-2021
Description regarding requirement of seeking No Objection Certificate or No Dues Certificate from the Income Revenue enhancement Department during Voluntary Liquidation Process nether the Insolvency and Defalcation Code, 2016 (Lawmaking) - IBBI/LIQ/44/2021 Dated: 30-ix-2021
IBBI�s Electronic Platform for hosting Public Notices of Auctions of Liquidation Assets under the IBBI (Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016. |
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